What Parents Say
“My son had lost his confidence and withdrew from his friends during the pandemic, but after going to forest school he came out of his shell and started having fun again.”

What Rory's Dad says about Forest School
What Noah's Dad says about Forest School
“It is great to see the kids playing outside in the fresh air away from their phones.”
“My kids can’t wait to get out of school on a Friday and go to Forest School”.
What Kids Say
“Instead of Forest School it should be called Fun School”

What Sammy says about Forest School
“When asked what he liked about Forest School his reply was simply – EVERYTHING!”
“I sleep so well after forest school”
What Kids Say
“Instead of Forest School it should be called Fun School”
What Emily says about Forest School
“I love the free play, climbing trees and swinging in the hammocks”
What Robyn says about Forest School
What our Team Says

“It is a magical process working with the kids in the woods and doesn’t feel like work”

“To see the kids gain confidence makes it all worthwhile”