“I went to the woods because I wished to live deliberately…”

– Henry David Thoreau

Our Why


We are here to inspire people to connect with nature, learn new life skills, be empowered to be their best selves, and ultimately be part of creating a better world to  live in.

We believe that it is time for positive change.We passionately believe that by connecting people back to nature that we will be part of a change movement to create a better world to live in.

Our Vision

Wild Wood Crafts

Our vision is to create a better world to live in where people learn to live  in harmony with the earth,
live in harmony together and become the guardians of the natural  world.


About Claire

Claire’s own journey has led her on a path of deep nature connection, learning new life skills along the way. Inspired by the indigenous teachings Claire has developed a deep sense of awe and reverence for the earth we live on.

She created Wild Wood Crafts to share her passions, gifts, and talents to others with the idea that she could be part of a change movement to create a better world to live in by connecting people back to nature.

She has a unique quality of making you feel welcome and bringing the best out of people. She loves creating a safe space for learning new skills and empowering you to be your best self. But  most of all she loves seeing you all having fun.

What We Do

Forest School

At Wild Wood Crafts we created a nature based wellbeing and Forest School service called The Honeybees. This is an inspirational and long term approach to education, health and wellbeing which is delivered in a woodland environment and is inclusive to all, both young and old.

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Tree Planting

We are involved in community tree planting projects and a Forest in a Box initiative to enable you to take positive action to tackle climate change.

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Coppicing is an ancient sustainable woodland management technique that uses nature’s capacity for regeneration from a living tree and way to work with nature naturally, in that when you cut a tree down to its stool it does not die but regrows again.

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Coppice Crafts

All Claire’s stick chairs are handmade from locally sourced wood cut by her own hand through the sustainable and ancient woodland practice of coppicing from native woodlands in Ireland.

All chairs are unique one off pieces of work.

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